vineri, 25 noiembrie 2011

Aveam nevoie de ceva "intaritor"
Mesc, Ally, colega!

Hey, slow it down what do you want from me
What do you want from me
Yeah I\'m afraid what do you want from me
What do you want from me

There might have been a time
And I would give myself away
Oooh once upon a time I didn\'t give a damn
But now, here we are so what do you want from me
What do you want from me

Just don\'t give up I\'m workin it out
Please don\'t give in, I won\'t let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, what do you want from me
What do you want from me
What do you want from me

Yeah, it\'s plain to see (plain to see)
That baby you\'re beautiful
And it\'s nothing wrong with you
(Nothing wrong with you)
It\'s me, I\'m a freak (yeah)
But thanks for lovin\' me
Cause you\'re doing it perfectly
(It perfectly)

There might have been a time
When I would let you step away
I wouldn\'t even try
But I think you could save my life

Just don\'t give up I\'m workin\' it out
Please don\'t give in, I won\'t let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep comin around
Hey, what do you want from me (What do you want from me)
What do you want from me (What do you want from me)

Just don\'t give up on me
(Uuuuuuh) I won\'t let you down
No, I won\'t let you down

(So I) just don\'t give up
I\'m workin it out
Please don\'t give in, I won\'t let you down
It messed me up (It messed me up)
Need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, what do you want from me

Just don\'t give up I\'m workin\' it out
Please don\'t give in, I won\'t let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep comïng around
Hey, what do you want from me (what do you want from me)
What do you want from me (what do you want from me)
What do you want from me

...::: Rwocsy ::::...

Versuri de la:

duminică, 6 noiembrie 2011

poveste by ANNA

A fost odata un iepuras. sora lui eraun pestisor.
Cei doi inotau, apoi le-a fost foame si au mers sa manance ceva.
Au venit noricei deploaie si a inceput "sa ploaie". Asa ca cei doi au mers in casa sa se incalzeasaca. Si acolo au mancat. Mamica lor, mamicuta Milka, le-a dat, dupa ce au mancat, cate o ciocolata Milka.
Si au vazut o floricica si au mers sa culeaga flori.Mamica a fost atat de bucuroasa... si le-a dat voie sa mearga iar la inot. Ei au fost atat de fericiti ca niciodata nu au fost mai fericiti.
Mai tarziu au mers la scoala. Le era dor de Tati asa ca l-au sunat.
Dupa ce au mers acasa si au mancat o cina minunata cu rosii si ketckup. Si au cerut inca o portie si inca una.
Apoi s-au spalat si au mers la culcare.
Apoi dimineata au mers la cumparaturi si au luat ciocolata, mere, banane, mustar si miere.